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BCA - Notes | Old Exam Papers | Syllabus

Here You Can Find All Notes and Exam Papers of BCA for All Semesters.
The best documents shared by our fellow students, organized in one place.


Semester - 4th

About Me

I'm Harsh Kumar Jangir

As a Bachelor of Computer Applications (BCA) student with a passion for technology and Web development, I am excited to kickstart my career in the technology industry. I am eager to learn and grow in the industry. Through my academic curriculum, I have gained knowledge in programming languages, and, database management, and web technologies.
I am currently pursuing my BCA degree from S. S. Jain Subodh P. G. (Autonomous) College, and I am always seeking new opportunities to enhance my skills and knowledge. I am an enthusiastic learner who is committed to staying up-to-date with the latest industry trends and technologies.
I am a proactive learner, always seeking new opportunities to expand my skillset and keep up-to-date with the latest industry trends. As a tech enthusiast, I enjoy exploring new technologies, and I believe in using technology to solve real-world problems.
I am seeking opportunities to gain practical experience in Web & Software development and work with a team of experienced professionals to learn and grow in the industry.


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